Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Blaugust is Upon Us

It is Blaugust again.  In fact, we are now three days into Blaugust and I am only now getting around to putting up a post about it.

But that is okay, because, because this year it is Blaugust, the Super Relaxed Edition, so you can probably show up late and still be totally okay.


The idea is that, rather than the “post every day for a month” routine of the last two years, this year you can select your posting schedule.  Then so long as you keep to your planned schedule, you win… for whatever value “winning” has in such an event.  It is sort of like bracket racing… for blogging… without the racing part.

Belghast has a post up explaining the whole idea with a link so you can sign up.  I signed up for the “every week day” bracket, which is basically “business as usual” around here.  We shall see if I keep to that, or if the Blaugust spirit infects me and I post every day.

Belghast also has a post up listing which blogs are involved and what posting schedule they are looking to hit.  The list, which I totally stole from that post, currently stands at:

Daily Posts

Weekday Posts

Three Posts a Week

Some Other Schedule

As Time and Inspiration Allows

There is also some suggested hash tagging or other cross promotional things mentioned, all of which I am generally pretty bad at, as well as a topic suggestion/discussion group over on Anook.  We shall see how Blaugust works out in its super relaxed form I guess.


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