As WoW Classic edges closer, the planning committee for the instance group continues its work.
Key items still to resolve include a time when we can all play together, which is proving trickier than I would have liked. Getting older, having different responsibilities, and moving to another continent are all in the mix on that front.
Another item that came up was Addons.
I am torn on the subject of Addons.
On the one hand, I have run Addons of some sort for the vast majority of my time in WoW. I think one of the first Addons I got was to speed up quest text, before Blizz put that option in the settings. There was a time way back in the day where I ran one of those big combo packs that lumped together a whole bunch of Addons into a single unified project.
I have also spent periods of time with a very minimalist set of Addons. That was especially true after support for the big combo pack I was using fell apart. Addons are often the efforts of individuals, some of whom stop playing WoW and move on.
There have been points during the life of the game where Addons have seemed essential. I remember a daily quest in Wrath of the Lich King where you had to run around a lab to find chemicals where the Addon that would highlight what you were looking for in the mess of the lab felt essential. And then there was the Masterplan Addon, without which managing followers and their missions during Warlords of Draenor was a dreadful chore. And then there are the Addons for pet battles, which make pet and team management possible without having to keep a spreadsheet open on a second monitor.
So I am hardly anti-Addon, though I do try to keep the number I use down to what I really need, if only to avoid conflicts, the pain of patch day incompatibilities, and the heartbreak that comes when support ends for one.
But, on the other hand, something about the spirit of WoW Classic, a sort of back to nature, seeing the game in a raw or primitive form, makes me feel like Addons might be a bit of a betrayal, a cheat, an option that would deprive myself of the full experience.
So I want to consider the whole Addon thing carefully. I have almost a week left before WoW Classic starts, so I might as well take some time to think about it. I’m not doing much else besides staring at that count down on the WoW Classic home page.
The Addon makers have been busy. If you go look at just what is available for WoW Classic over at Curse, they are already into the 13th page of Addons, which at 20 Addons per page, is starting to add up. And it was at page 11 when I started planning this post last week. So that is well past 200 Addons and growing.
Addon makers have the experience of nearly 15 years of the game to look back on to decide what works and how things can be done. And while WoW Classic won’t need Addons for things like pet battles or garrison missions, some things like Deadly Boss Mobs Addon have made the leap to WoW Classic. I also see HealBot, TomTom, and some gathering and market Addons that sound familiar.
My gut says to start small, if at all, with Addons. The only one I considered from the list immediately was one to auto-sell gray items at vendors, and even that one made me think twice. There will be a point during the early game when gray items might be the best in-slot item I have, and any gear is better than no gear!
At some point I will no doubt consider something to help with buying and selling on the market. Money will be a thing, especially if we plan to go through the full epic mount plan we did back in the day.
But some items I think I will avoid. There are several quest trackers and Addons to speed your trip to level 60 by optimizing your route and telling you where to head. But right now I am not worried about speeding through WoW Classic. There is nothing much at level cap, save for an epic mount. I won’t be raiding or anything like that, and there is no launch of The Burning Crusade in the offing. At least not that Blizzard has announced yet… though if they are not at least thinking about how to get there, then they are making a mistake.
Anyway, that is my plan at the moment, six days before launch. Keep it simple when it comes to Addons.
How about you? What Addons do you think are essential for this journey, if any?
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