Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Blizzard Opens Additional WoW Classic PvP Realms

The name reservations that opened up on Monday afternoon for WoW Classic have shown enough demand that Blizzard announced earlier today that they would be adding an additional server.

Classic is as Classic does

The announcement from the forums:

Due to very high demand, we will open a new WoW Classic realm for name reservations at 5:00 p.m PDT (8:00 p.m. EDT) today, Wednesday, August 14:

Stalagg – PvP – Eastern Time

We suggest that players, especially those on the Herod realm, consider creating characters on Stalagg. We expect that other PvP realms in this region will otherwise experience significant login queues when Classic launches.

Thank you!

The new realm should be up and available for name reservations as of when this post goes live.

This followed on a previous message warning about potential extended queue times for two of the popular PvP servers.

As of now, a large number of WoW Classic characters have been created on the following realms. Players with characters on this realm are likely to experience severe queues at release.

  • Herod – PvP
  • Whitemane – PvP

We have updated the algorithm for the realm population tags so they more accurately reflect the expected population for that realm. The realms that are listed as “Full” are where we expect to see extended queues. If you’re concerned about long queue times affecting your play experience, you may want to consider creating characters on a lower population realm before the game releases on August 26 at 3:00 p.m. PDT.

This mirrors activity by Blizzard for Europe as a new realm, Gehennas – PvP – English, was opened up earlier today to alleviate possible crowding on the Golemagg – PvP – English server.

I have updated the server list I posted last Friday when the server names were initially announced.  We will see if Blizz ends up adding any more servers before the August 26 launch of WoW Classic.

Blizzard also announced that the WoW Classic closed beta would continue on through Friday, though it remains open only to those who were previously invited to participate.  No doubt the streamers who got in will continue to boost interest in the game as they get access now up to level 45.

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