Friday, March 27, 2020

CCP Removes Most Basic Ore and Minerals from Moon Mining

CCP finally announced the long awaited/feared/expected Moon Mining update to the New Eden mineral starvation plan.

An Athanor pulling a moon chunk

Back in the middle of February, when Fanfest was still on and the Corona virus was something happening mostly on cruise ships and in other countries, CCP landed a radical hit on mining output.  The asteroid count in mining anomalies was reduced and the ore yield per asteroid was cut dramatically across the board.  The only thing left untouched were moon mining operations, though we were told we should expect the following soon:

  • Complete removal of all basic ore types from all moons
  • Adjustments on ore volume extracted per day, per moon
  • Adjustments on moon ore type yields of basic minerals

And today’s announcement came back with most of that.  I’m not sure about the middle item, but perhaps that gets effectively changed with the other updates, which were:

  • All basic ores (Veldspar, Scordite, Pyroxeres, Plagioclase, Omber, Kernite, Jaspet, Hemprphite, Hedbergite, Gneiss, Dark Ochre, Spodumain, Crokite, Bistot, Arkonor), will be removed from moons. In some cases, they have been replaced with Moon Ore.
  • All basic materials (Tritanium, Pyerite, Mexallon, Isogen, Nocxium, Zydrine, Megacyte) will be removed from moon ore DNA (refining materials output table below) with the following exceptions:
    • R4 moon ores (Bitumens, Coesite, Sylvite, Zeolites) keep their original yield of Pyerite & Mexallon (Tritanium was removed).

I will have a post on Monday about the mineral starvation plan so far via a look at the February monthly economic report, but it looks like the sparks might not really fly until we see what the April numbers are.  Expect the prices of minerals and everything made from them… which is everything… to rise.

The changes went into effect immediately, so that is the way things are now.  Any moon chunk pull that was in progress got to keep the old ore/mineral output, but all new pulls get the new thin soup.

Reactions in the forum thread about this change are about as expected.

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