Saturday, January 16, 2021

My Time on Twitch in 2020

I thought I might be done with “2020 in Review” by this point, but then Twitch threw an email at me with a summary of my time spent on their service.  Hey, I love that sort of thing, so I am going to post about that.  (Also, showing up on January 15th means it probably includes all of 2020 and doesn’t cut of at December 1st like some other year in review items I could mention.)

Twitch is Twitch

I was actually a bit surprised as I don’t stream or anything, but apparently being a Twitch user… and an Amazon Prime user I’m going to guess… was enough for them to want to collect some stats for me.

The first item they covered was which video categories I watch the most.

My Top 3

EVE Online being on top is no surprise.  I am not sure I watch anything else on Twitch.  Music, in second place, is pretty much related to EVE Online since I will listen to the Mind1 stream during Saturday Night Swarm, even if I am not logged into the game.

Assassin’s Creed II however… I have to think I left an EVE Online stream up in the background and it then swapped over to that, as I have no recollection of ever watching any Assassin’s Creed streams.

The channels I frequent

I had to consider that one for a moment because, while I probably watch INN more than any other channel, that seemed like a lot.  The Meta Show is the only thing I watch regularly there, and I watch maybe half of those tops.  But then I realized that in big fights I often have INN open in the background to listen to Brisc tell me what I am seeing on grid… or not… sometimes I have it on with the sound off if things are happening.  But there were a lot of hours of that as part of World War Bee, so it seems legit.

And then they gave me a little recap graphic.

My 2020 Twitch Recap

I don’t even know what channel points are, but I apparently earned about 25K of them.  Also, those are my most used emotes, which seems about right.  I support the side now and then in chat by throwing in some Imperium eagles, usually with Frank in the middle.

So it goes.  You can see what I do on Twitch for what it is worth.

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