Bullet points posts are often tidibits of news that I want to mention. This time around it is mostly just about me and Burning Crusade Classic, with a couple of news items mixed in, just to get them all into a single post.
- A Druid for Outland
I have somehow managed to get my druid, who was level 36 when the pre-patch hit, all the way to level 58.
I will say again that the leveling path from 36 to 58 has been smoothed out considerably with the 2.5.1 patch. The dead spots seem to be taken care of with new, or newly visible, quests. I know the stuff in Theremore is new, but the fact that available quests appear on the mini-map means I probably picked up more quests that I likely missed the fire couple of times through the content.
This now gives me four characters available for Outland. I suppose that means I should stop screwing around so much and go play in Hellfire Peninsula. I do wonder if my druid should bother at level 58 or wait until 60 to go through. There are still plenty of quests for him in Azeroth.
On the flip side, there is a lot of hugely improved gear if I go through the portal. We shall see.
- Hot Market
I mentioned previously that the pre-patch before Burning Crusade Classic was clearly pulling people back into the game, with my primary evidence being the number of pages of auctions that were coming up in Auctioneer. That number had sagged down into the mid-to-low 200s towards the end of WoW Classic, but jumped into the 600s with the pre-patch. And now with the Dark Portal open and Outland at our feet, that number can reach into the mid 700s over the weekend.
There is a lot of economic activity going on, at least on the Bloodsail Buccaneer server, with demand for commodities that aid in leveling up trade skills being particularly in demand. As such I have managed to make a bit of gold in the game for once. Not a ton. I am just not that invested, so to speak, but before the pre-patch I was worrying about scraping together the 350 gold for the Paladin Charger quest, thinking I would need to loot my other characters. Now, a few weeks later, I have that much gold just on my pally, so I am happy with that.
- Fast Market
For a bit there after the patch, and even more so after the opening of the Dark Portal, the auction house was starting to drag quite noticeably when it came to searches. People were complaining and Blizz looked into the issue, applying the following hotfixes:
- Implemented settings changes intended to lower the time it takes to search the Auction House.
- Players who list, bid, buy out, or cancel a very large number of auctions may now incur a delay between consecutive actions.
The latter is one of those annoyances that keeps coming up. I am not sure what advantage is bestowed by listing dozens of the same thing, often a commodity that would sell fine as a stack, as a bunch of singles, aside from maybe trying to obscure your competition by driving them off the first page of results.
Anyway, Blizz says they are monitoring the situation.
- Falling for Shattrath
I have already fallen to my death in Shattrath trying to run for the elevator out in front of the inn in the Aldor area. This is one of those “seriously, why did I just do that?” recurring events that I remember from the expansion back in the day.
I’ll step out of the Aldor inn, get on my mount, and as I ride towards the elevator, it will already be at the top so that, just as I get close it starts to drop and I instinctively jump for it. The descending platform and my forward motion then carries my over my target and I fall to my death.
I did this often enough back in the day that with my pally I got good at hitting Divine Protection to save myself. But this time I did it with my hunter who has no such option. A passing priest ressed me, which saved me the run back at least.
As for “Why Shattrath?” that is where the portals back to the main cities are, which include the auction houses. Shat isn’t one of my favorite cities in the game, but it is the transit hub for Outland.
- Arena Season 1
Finally, Blizzard announced the start of Burning Crusade Classic Arena Season 1 for those who were waiting for more PvP options. Available to teams of 2, 3, or 5 players, rewards include gear, titles, and even a special mount. Not my thing, but everything doesn’t have to be about me.
Blizz did make a mistake and enabled some season 2 rewards, then had to track down the 81 players who cashed in on that. The transactions were reversed and the honor refunded.
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