The Site
After a bit of a traffic boom in mid to late May, something I mentioned in the May review, search traffic fell off quite a bit on June 1st.
Google is the main variable in my traffic. Without that my daily visitors and page views are pretty flat. The same few people show up here regularly, so if you’re one of those… Hi!
Anyway, I am always a bit curious as to what attracts Google results, and for the back half of May my position in Google search was related heavily the Dire Maul summoning stone. Google gives you a nice little report about the last 28 days if you know where to find it in their search console stuff.
Nice positioning too. I am the top result for most of those search terms.
Bing also has a search console that tells you about your traffic, and I likewise saw a spike from Bing for “Dire Maul summoning stone.” However, traffic from Bing is approximately 5% of the Google traffic, so not as big of an impact on my stats. Still, some traffic.
So my guess is that once the Dark Portal was open and we were all rushing into Hellfire Peninsula, the need to summon people to Dire Maul fell off and my search traffic went with it.
Here at the end of June “Dire Maul Summoning Stone” is still my top search term, but it is just not as popular. “Jintha’alor Altar” is still there in 4th spot with about the same amount of traffic. But “How to find a Warm Ocean in Minecraft” is on the list now as are two variations of “EVE Online cloak stabilization,” which relates to the cloaky camping nerfs CCP introduced this month.
One Year Ago
My daughter graduated from high school. It was a pandemic graduation, but we made do.
My poll about voice chat indicated that Discord now rules that roost.
Pokemon Go gave us remote raid passes since we all had to stay home.
I was giving Minecraft Dungeons a try. I finished the main story fairly quickly and found the game to be light and fun, but not very deep or replayable. Other reviews were even less charitable.
Daybreak was still having problems with their Aradune progression server.
We were getting down to the final days of the Battle for Azeroth expansion in World of Warcraft and I was wondering how it would rank in the pantheon of expansions and how much the previous expansion plays into how people feel about the current or next expansion.
WoW Classic was still going strong enough that Blizz had to turn layering back on for several realms. There was also the Summer Bowl and the campaign against bots.
The instance group was still working on Zul’Farrak, failing the stairs when Sergeant Bly and his crew died. Then, the next time, Bly and his crew survived, but disappeared as we looted the field.
My hunter became my first character to hit level 50 in WoW Classic.
In EVE Online I was reminding people about why CCP gave Upwell structures asset safety… because they took it away with the Forsaken Fortress update. Another case of people foolishly believing in company promises. So we went out and shot our own abandoned state structures in Delve just to keep other groups from coming along and doing it.
Meanwhile, the CCP mineral starvation plan was driving mineral prices to an all time high.
We did, however, get new ships for the EDENCOM faction as part of the Triglavian invasion event as well as a Project Discovery update that moved its focus onto the coronavirus. And we got character log off! People had only been asking for that since forever.
The CSM15 elections kicked off, with the results being announced by mid-month.
Also a little something about how opaque the game UI can be.
Actually in space the GEF was still up north fighting over various objectives. But that all came to a screeching halt when we we found out that most of null sec was planning to gang up against us and invade. They denied it, but then the evidence was found. Our deployment up north ended and we began consolidating the empire into our core space, pulling down the last Keepstar in Cloud Ring before the month was out. World War Bee was coming.
We were playing some Minecraft and seeing how villages had changed.
I was getting promotions for an Atari branded online casino complete with its own crypto-currency. I guess, as a brand, Atari still has some value.
Five Years Ago
Daybreak’s Landmark finally went live just a few days short of summer. However, it was the end of the road for PlanetSide and Legends of Norrath.
There was also the launch of the Isle of Refuge free trade server for EverQuest II.
There was a Newbie Blogger Initiative, for which I put up a post.
It was reported that Minecraft had sold more than 100 million copies.
Minecraft put out the Frostburn Update, version 1.10. I was building the last stretches of what would become the 22km rail loop.
I also reflected on a year of playing Minecraft, then added in some statistics.
Blizzard had the Warcraft Movie open. I didn’t like it, nor did that many people outside of China. Meanwhile Blizzard was also explaining that WoW expansions were just going to take time. While WoW Legion was still weeks away, my daughter and I went back to finish up Warlords of Draenor and get ready for the new expansion. Meanwhile the whole Nostalius thing was still simmering.
And I was playing EVE Online. There was the YC118.6 update, which brought us more overview tabs and the Shadow of the Serpent event, among other things. Recurring opportunities, in which you could earn some skill points by undocking and shooting an NPC, were removed after their short run. DX9 was also dead in EVE. And there was Blog Banter 76, which was about FC’s and how vulnerable they should be.
But mostly I was flying in fleets out of Saranen as we kept up the tempo of operations in what would become the final full month of the Casino War. There were just too many posts about that to try and sting them together in a single paragraph narrative, so I will just list them out:
- Scenes from the Saranen Undock – June 1
- A Carrier Dies in Deklein – June 2
- Titans and Jams on Saturday – June 6
- RAZOR Leaves The Imperium – June 11
- Not Enough Nagas – June 13
- Hurricane Massacre – June 14
- Thrasher Holocaust – June 22
- Foothold in Pure Blind – June 27
- A POS Shoot in Saranen – June 29
Ten Years Ago
I had to get out my Monty Python and the Holy Grail DVD.
Team Fortress 2 went free to play. Begin the hat-based economy!
I was wondering if people were picking on Lord British. This was before he started talking about his “ultimate RPG” and made picking on him a very entertaining sport.
We were not playing WoW, but guild accounts were being hacked. And we were not even among those 600K WoW players that supposedly went to Rift.
LOTRO announced the Rise of Isengard expansion and offered up a exp boosting item for pre-orders.
I was wondering what launch conditions would be like for SWTOR. Of course, I sort of figured it might launch before mid-December.
LEGO Universe announced it was going free to play. At our house, my daughter enjoyed it for a bit, but eventually dropped it for Animal Jam.
CCP began a slow and deliberate campaign of alternating between shooting itself in the foot and sticking said foot in its mouth, all in the name of the Incarna expansion. And my sentry drones were still boring. And then LulzSec brought them down. At least they had finally made it much easier to find an agent in the game.
SOE announced a new version of Station Access, its “all games for one low monthly price.” Called SOE All Access, which had a price of $19.95 a month. This was a welcome drop from the previous $29.99 a month price.
However, by this point, SOE had dropped The Matrix Online and had just announced they were killing Star Wars Galaxies, so there were certainly fewer games to play. Of course, that was also back when they had some games that were not free to play already.
At least SOE was up and running after the PSN/SOE outage. A pity they fumbled the marketing opportunities offered by their make good plan.
The instance group had finally gotten out of the damn starter zone in EverQuest II Extended, but the game still wasn’t sitting well.
On the Fippy Darkpaw time locked progression server, the Ruins of Kunark expansion was opened up and then “finished” in short order.
And finally, on June 29, 2010 I created a Reddit account so I could reply to something on /r/eve. Apparently I have yet to learn my lesson on that front.
Fifteen Years Ago
Sonic the Hedgehog turned 15, which I guess means it is 30 now. Maybe I shouldn’t do call backs to birthdays.
Bill Gates announced that he was planning to relinquish his remaining full time positions at Microsoft in order to focus on his foundation. Though Steve “Uncle Fester” Ballmer had been CEO since 2000, Gates was still Chief Software Architect and Chief Research & Strategy Officer (along with being chairman of the board). More recently he’s been accused of trying to microchip us via vaccines and is in the midst of a divorce.
EverQuest II got the Fallen Dynasty adventure pack, the last such pack until 2015’s Rum Cellar.
Nintendo finally shipped the Nintendo DS Lite in Europe, though $3.2 million worth of them went missing en route from China.
Half-Life 2: Episode One was released as Valve briefly tried to pay attention to the core of their biggest franchise at the time. Still waiting for Episode Three.
Titan Quest, one of the great post-Diablo II ARPGs launched. It even got a remaster way before Diablo II.
Twenty Years Ago
Anarchy Online launched in what became one of the more tragic opening day break downs in early MMO history. I mean, they were always bad back then, but AO had to introduce a free tial program, which eventually became a free to play option, to recover, making it one of the early free to play conversions. The game recovered and carries on to this day, but it was a shaky start.
WWII Online launched as well and was also another troubled title. And yet somehow it still survives to this day.
Most Viewed Posts in June
- Minecraft and the Search for a Warm Ocean
- CCP Takes Aim at Cloaky Campers in EVE Online
- New Eden and the Death of the Subscription Model
- Alamo teechs u 2 play DURID!
- Robbing Some Space Banks
- The Altar of Zul and Jintha’alor
- EverQuest Launches the Mischief and Thornblade Servers
- CCP Rushes Warp Core Stabilizer and Interdiction Nullification Changes into EVE Online
- CCP is Just Going to Keep Selling Skill Points for Cash
- 20 Games that Defined the Apple II
- Where Does WoW Classic End?
- Arrival in a Level Squished Northrend
Search Terms of the Month
dcuo pay for skill points
[I think that is more an EVE Online thing]
eve online female characters
[They’re mostly men]
ancient winter poncho
[No Ponchos!]
everquest 2 pvp server 2021
[Get there fast before it closes]
Game Time from ManicTime
This month ManicTime shows a pretty solid trend in my play time.
- WoW Classic – 89.21%
- EVE Online – 9.07%
- MMO Tycoon 2 – 1.41%
- Valheim – 0.19%
- World of Warcraft – 0.12%
The launch of Burning Crusade Classic was clearly the focus of my play time in June.
EVE Online
Stalemate in the war, CCP’s ongoing economic starvation plan, the end of Covid restrictions, and the coming of summer have conspired to make New Eden a bit quiet. Well, quiet save for the bits of the game where people are angry. There was some desultory shooting of the monument in Jita at one point of packs and pop-ups, but that seemed to fade pretty quickly. There wasn’t enough anger to sustain it, which means CCP successfully pushed monetization forward another step or tow.
MMORPG Tycoon 2
A Steam purchase, though not because it was on sale. I saw Lum tweeting about it last weekend and asked if you could play with business models and monetization. He said you could, so I grabbed a copy. It is early access, but seems pretty solid so far. At some point I will write a post about it and my first game, Attractive Nuisance.
Pokemon Go
I am a bit concerned about how much Niantic is planning to pull back from the changes put into the game during Covid. Specifically, how close you need to be to a gym or Pokestop to interact with it is going to get cut way back, which seems a bit dumb. It isn’t like you can spin one from a mile away, the change is a matter of yards/meters, but for a few gyms it means the difference from parking my car close by to get in or having to get out and walk across some grass. Not a huge hassle, but enough to make it less likely that I will bother at all.
I did see a level 50 at last. The highest person on my friend’s list is level 44 and they seem to be running out of steam. But I was in a raid last weekend and saw this person:
I hadn’t even seen the requirements for levels 49 and 50 yet, as Niantic held them back when the new levels were unlocked. But I guess they are in now. So that person is starting to accumulate xp for the next level cap increase I guess. Meanwhile I am not even half way to 42 yet.
Level: 41 (47.5% of the way to 42 in xp, 3 of 4 tasks complete)
Pokedex status: 646 (+3) caught, 675 (+2) seen
Mega Evolutions obtained: 11 of 13
Pokemon I want: I accidentally transferred my Vanillite before I evolved it
Current buddy: Event Slowpoke wit a special evolve
I did log in for a bit to check out the latest update and to make a maypole. Still waiting for a major update before I resume a more active focus on it.
World of Warcraft
Once more my venture into retail WoW was just to run the Darkmoon Faire crafting quests in order to boost those skills up another 5 points. At some point as the expansion is winding down and everything has been unlocked I will probably come back and finish things up.
WoW Classic
As noted above, the launch of Burning Crusade Classic dominated June for me though, given how much I have played, I certainly haven’t gotten very deep into the expansion. My highest level character is 62 and is only just into Zangarmarsh. Meanwhile I am already angry at level 70s with flying mounts swooping down to grab harvest nodes while I am fighting a mob that was blocking me from grabbing it. Some things never change.
Coming Up
Umm… what is coming up in July? Vacation? I know some people are going on vacation. My wife was at the mall the other day and told me that there wasn’t a piece of luggage to be had at any department store. But I’m not going anywhere. We have vacation plans for later in the year when, one hopes, the immediate rush might be over.
Otherwise what do we have?
More Burning Crusade Classic for sure. Maybe something will happen in the war in New Eden. A new pair of Legendary servers from LOTRO. All this and more I suppose. Maybe I’ll even buy something else at the Steam Summer Sale.
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