After our Hellfire Ramparts run Ula announced that she had finally made it up to 301 in enchanting and wanted to know if there were any gear enchants we might want.
Fergorin started looking at enchants that would be available to us at that skill level, and the common denominator seemed to be large brilliant shards, with a couple to a dozen being needed depending on the specific enchant. Some investigation over at WoW Head showed that we might be in luck for some of those shards if we were willing to go back to Blackrock Depths to kill a few bosses. And why not. We’ve been there a dozen times in WoW Classic already, it isn’t like we don’t know the layout by now.
But it was Sunday and there was only three of us, so we’d have to see how well we could manage against bosses in the low 50 level range. Our group was:
- Ula – level 62 gnome mage
- Wilhelm – level 63 human paladin (protection)
- Fergorin – level 63 human paladin (holy)
We met up at Thorium Point and rode the familiar path to the instance.
There was a question as to where we ought to go first… and if we even had the keys to the place. Both Fergorin and Wilhelm are Outland replacements, so neither of them were on the dozen BRD adventures, and so neither of them have the Shadowforge Key. Fortunately Ula had it, so we were able to move about.
The nearest boss seemed to be Lord Roccor, who wanders around outside the Ring of Law. Fortunately for the sake of speed, our aggro radius was small enough to allow us to thread the needle and bypass a lot of mobs, though we had to knock out a few groups. We were able to grab Lord R in between two groups who just sat there and ingnored the fight.
His drop only yielded a small brilliant shard, not a large. We went into the Ring of Law and did the event there, drawing the big spider, whose drop also disappointed when disenchanted. Still, we pressed on, heading around the corner to find Pyromancer Loregrain. His loot included the recipe Enchant Weapon – Fiery Weapon. Not a shard, but something pretty cool for Ula. (Moronae got that last time we found Loregrain, but I don’t think he ever got his enchanting high enough to use it before he swapped out to Beanpole.)
From there we wound our way back, set the bridge/gate so we could cross it, and went looking for General Angerforge next. He was a bit of a pain at level back when we did him.
At level 63 and geared up from Outland, the three of us were able to handle him, with AOE taking down his non-elite minions when he summoned them to fight.
Then it was across the way to Golem Lord Argelmach. Here we had a bit of trouble. We were able to slip through the manufactory well enough, but we had forgotten that if you don’t clear it out, Argelmach runs out there and summons help. So the fight seemed to be going off the rails pretty quickly. But we held it together and were able to muscle through the boss, his two minions, and the adds he summoned.
That goes us a good shard plus, on the ground near where he spawns, was the engineer recipe for the Field Repair Bot 74A. You cannot even pick it up unless you’re a level 300 engineer, but Wilhelm was at 305, so a happy new recipe for him as well. While the bot is one use and a bit pricey, requiring a dozen thorium bars and two fused wiring, the latter being the more painful item to provide, having one along if we need to repair or sell to empty bags some day may well save us some day. I’m working on sourcing more fused wiring so I can make backups.
From there it was over to the Grim Guzzler, where we picked off Ribbly Screwspigot and the mobs that show up to defend the kegs when you break them. The drops were now starting to disenchant nicely into the shards we wanted.
At the far end of the Grim Guzzler I bought the ale to feed to Private Rocknot to get him to start the fight with Phalanx when we had ran into a bit of trouble. Once Phalanx went active I hit him with my taunt to pull him onto me, but it has a 15 second cool down, and in that time Ula unloaded on him, pulled aggro, then did her AOE freeze to hold him down so she could step away, not remembering that bar patrons were right behind her. So the bar went aggro on us.
Ula got stomped and, as things started to really go bad, Fergorin pulled out the Divine Intervention card, sacrificing himself to bubble me, take me out of combat, and let me walk off to ress and restore the situation.
We were able to get back together and slay Phalanx and move on around the corner to knock out Ambassador Flamelash. He was another one that summons a bunch of minions where consecrate takes care of business.
We were not keen to go much further in. The lyceum felt like more work that we wanted to do, though I suppose we could have tried threading the needle again.
So we turned around and jumped off the platform we were on to go after Lord Incendius.
After that we went up the ways a bit and knocked out Fineous Darkvire for good measure. That done, we had the vault and a couple more small things we could have done, but it felt like enough for the afternoon. I had a couple of real life chores calling, so Ula got us a portal to Ironforge.
Once there I asked about what materials were needed for the Fiery Weapon enchant. It needed different shards and an essence of fire. I bought the shards off the auction house and had the essence of fire handy, so she enchanted my blade.
That is a good looking enchant. I had just upgraded my weapon earlier, so I will get to see that fiery glow for a while. And, of course, it throws an extra 40 points of fire damage regularly, which means it both looks good and is a practical addition.
We might have to go back for some more shards, but that was a pretty nice run back… again… to old Azeroth.
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