It is “staying motivated” week in the Blaugust event and I figured it was about time for me to post something Blaugst related. I have not been very attentive to the event, wandering off in whatever direction takes me, as is my usual pattern.
On the topic of motivation I have a little story.
When my daughter got to middle-school (which for some reason is 5th through 7th grade in our local district, it used to be junior high school when I was that age, and was mostly just 7th and 8th grades), she was able to pick an elective class and she wanted to take band.
It wasn’t an easy choice. She also wanted to take art, something she enjoyed and was already into. But band won out because it was new and different. She went with flute as an instrument, and we went down to the music store and rented her a flute.
She did well enough in band I suppose. She practiced at home. She went to all of the events. She seemed to enjoy it well enough. She took band for a second year, sticking with the flute.
For the third year of band she switched to the baritone saxophone. The flute, which was a rent-to-own deal, was paid off just about the time she made the switch. A baritone sax is a much more expensive instrument, but the school had one for her to use. She went with the sax both because it was kind of cool… we were watching Bojack Horseman around then, and the opening theme is heavy of the sax… and because the band needed somebody to play it as the person who had been playing moved on to high school.
So we had the bari sax around the house.
She did that for a year, though I think she enjoyed posing with the sax more than she liked playing it. She borrowed my sunglasses for performances.
Then came eight grade and when she was signing up for classes she asked me, rather hesitantly, if she could not take band. She wanted to take art.
Her tone said to me that she was afraid we would be disappointed in her choice, but I told her right away that it was fine, she should take art if that was what she wanted.
I explained to her that I could see she wasn’t really into band. While she practiced as often as was recommended and took things seriously, I had never once seen her play her instrument… flute or sax… just because she wanted to. She did her time, then moved on to what she really wanted to do, which was often art.
She had no passion for music. People I know who do will play just to play, will figure out how to play something they heard just from listening to it. My step-brother used to sit in his room with his headphones on just figuring out a song for hours on end.
Meanwhile, she clearly had a passion for art. She had a drawing tablet hooked up to her computer, a copy of PhotoShop Elements along with a few other art and design titles, and would sit for hours just trying to get something right… not because she had to but because she wanted to.
I never had to tell her to put down the flute or the sax and go to bed, but I got up a number of times in the middle of the night to tell her to put down her sketch pad and go to sleep.
If you have a passion for something then motivation will come. And if motivation does not come… well, maybe blogging or band or whatever isn’t really your thing.
Which I guess isn’t a very motivational message. But maybe it can be a guide to help find motivation. We all seem to be able to find the time to do the things we really want to do, so if blogging is feeling like a chore, perhaps it isn’t for you. Or maybe you just haven’t found an aspect of blogging that works for you.
I like writing long winded narratives about what I did in this game or that. I enjoy telling a story. I almost always feel I have to establish my relationship with a topic to write about it.
But that is just my style. There are lots of options. Some people like to do reviews or game guides or write in the voice of their in-game character or track statistics or complain loudly and make up irrational conspiracies. There is room for all of that and more.
When you find your niche, motivation will follow. And if blogging isn’t it at all, then maybe videos or streaming or screen shots or something else is.
Or maybe just cute cat pictures.
Anyway, if you haven’t found motivation here… and I’ll admit that I didn’t have much to offer in that regard… maybe one of the other Blaugust participants can help you along. There are 46 others from which to choose:
- Adelle – Pixel Fairy
- Alli – The Parent Trope
- Ashgar – Ashs Adventures
- Aywren Sojourner – Spot of Mummery
- Belghast – Tales of the Aggronaut
- Bhagpuss – Inventory Full
- Blockade85 – A Page Where My Brain Leaks Onto
- Chestnut – Gamer Girl Confessions
- Easha and Poppy – Glittering Girly Gwent Gaming
- Endalia – Narratess
- everwake – Everwakes Adventures
- Jaedia – Dragons and Whimsy
- jamesmcrosby – MMO Folklorist
- Jen – Book of Jen
- Kaylriene – Kaylriene
- Kluwes – Many Welps
- Knifesedge Games – Knifesedge Blogs
- Krikket – Nerd Girl Thoughts
- Magi – Indiecator
- Mailvaltar – Mailvaltar – MMOs and other stuff
- Mike Azariah – A Missioneer in Eve
- MMOJuggler – MMOJuggler
- Naithin – Time to Loot
- Nimgimli – Dragonchasers
- Nogamara – Battle Stance
- Rakuno – Shards of Imagination
- Rambling Redshirt – Beyond Tannhauser Gate
- Roger Edwards – Contains Moderate Peril
- Rowan – I Have Touched the Sky
- SDWeasel – Unidentified Signal Source
- Shadowz – Shadowz Abstract Gaming
- Shintar – Going Commando
- Shintar – Neverwinter Thoughts
- Shintar – Priest with a Cause
- Solarayo – Ace Asunder
- Stargrace – Nomadic Gamers Eh
- Stingite / Tom – The Friendly Necromancer
- Syp – Bio Break
- Telwyn – Gaming SF
- Thyanel – Thyanel Plays
- Tipa – Chasing Dings!
- UltrViolet – Endgame Viable
- UnwiseOwl – Leaflocker
- WelshFox – Whats Occuring
- Wilhelm – The Ancient Gaming Noob
- Wolfyseyes – Through Wolfys Eyes
- Zapp – Leeterati
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