As mentioned/promised/threatened previously, I turned on ad for the blog on October 1st.
For those just catching up, announced that they were going to start injecting “sponsored” posts into blogs that were on the free plan, and while I was technically on a grandfathered “No Ads” plan, my plan was still listed as “free,” so I opted to upgrade to the Premium plan.
Among the features of the Premium plan is to be able to earn ad revenue. So, in a swap of no small irony, I went from paying to have no ads on the blog to paying more to allow ads on the blog. The hope is to offset the price of the premium plan.
The WordAds feature in… not to be confused with Google’s AdWords I guess, though I think Google changed that name a while ago… is easy enough to turn on when you have Premium. You flick a switch, fill out a form, get processed for eligibility, and then you’re in. Or I was in, anyway, the bar being low enough to allow that.
Having turned it on I went to my work laptop where I have browsers setup without Ad Block to see what happened.
For a while, there was nothing. It takes some time to get going. And then, suddenly, there were ads. Ads in the side bar, ads anchored to the scroll bar, ads around posts, ads in posts every three paragraphs… the place was quickly swimming in ads. Too many ads.
So I went back to the settings and dialed that back some. The meanings of the settings are a bit… vague. I mean, I know what “Display ads below posts…” means in my head, but what toggling that setting on and off did was not lining up with my expectations.
The ads, as most places, are served up based on what you, the reader, have been snooped on doing on the internet. I thought it was pretty funny that one of the first ads I was served was about blocking ads.
I also found it amusing that it injected an ad for hearing aids below the group picture in yesterday’s post about the group playing Diablo II where I identified us as an aging rock act.
Now it is showing me ads for Macy’s because my wife was looking at their online ad, which just shows they’re lumping us together in the same IP address.
Apparently I even earned some money my first day out, netting 8 cents towards my eventual payout, which comes at the $100 mark. I also get a new stats tab on my admin page that tells me about revenue and number of ads served. Something new for the annual blog review post I guess. Another horrible metric to report on.
Anyway, if you see ads, this is why. But if you have an ad blocker setup, which I do recommend, you won’t see any. You also, so far as I can tell, won’t see any ads if you view my posts in a reader like Feedly.
As always, your feedback on this change is welcome.
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