Saturday, October 12, 2019

Daybreak Lays off More Staff

The news from Daybreak is grim again as it came out yesterday that the company was experiencing another layoff.

Oh, Daybreak…

The word began to leak out on social media, which is the usual course of events these days.  The fact that there was a layoff was later confirmed.  The number of people laid off was estimated to be close to 70, though there is no official word on that.

The PlanetSide team was reportedly hit the hardest, while the team responsible for EverQuest and EverQuest II seemed to have been largely spared.  Of course, EverQuest II has a big anniversary coming up next month and both games have expansions slated to come out before the end of the year.

The future of the company remains in question.  PlanetSide Arena, which went into early access last month, has not obtained a strong following, while earlier this year Daybreak registered some new company trademarks and created Twitter accounts that seemed to indicate a possible change in structure or sell off of the company.


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